“If you cut down a
forest, it doesn’t matter how many sawmills you have if there are no more
Susan George
Idaho Rivers

“Idaho has more than 107,600 miles of river, of which 891
are designated as wild and scenic.”
(National Wild and Scenic Rivers System) The
Boise, Payette, Little Salmon, Salmon, Clearwater, Owyhee Rivers and so many
others within the state all pour down from snow covered summits to supply
moisture to a stunning array of vegetation.
Giant ponderosa, Douglas Fir, White Pine, Cedar, all seemingly endless renewable
treasures, drew lumbermen and fueled mill towns, perhaps none greater than Potlatch,
once the world’s largest mill. Founded
in 1905, it was a company town through and through. The mill supplied all that was needed by it
employees; houses, a church, hotel, school, general store, recreational
amenities and WORK. Modeled after company
logging towns in Illinois, it ran full tilt until cheap timber fell short and logging
profits started to fall in the 1970’s and 80’s.
In 1981 the mill closed and the town was sold to the residents. Spending the night there, we found deep community
pride in its history and a town that is in the midst of reinventing
itself. Small by many standards, we
found Potlatch, Idaho picturesque and a great place to camp as we made our way
up the panhandle of Idaho.

Well said, Steve. Was so nice to spend a few more precious hours with you and Andrea and of course Maggie! We think of you all everyday...safe travels. Eileen and Don